Park Weather

Weather Underground

FOYC on Wunderground | Historical



Ambient Weather Network

powered by Ambient Weather


Windfinder Weather Station Info

Additional Information on the FOYC Weather Project


Friends of Yellow Creek is proud to collaborate with YCSP to provide local weather conditions and forecasts. KPAPENNR2  came online at 6:57pm on January 26, 2017.  Weather information is accessible through our website and Weather Underground. Our goal is to provide park visitors with accurate, current weather information and a historical almanac. This information is also available to the park for nature and educational programs.


Live weather is delivered via a suite of weather sensors which are linked to a console inside the Environmental Learning Center.  Using AmbientWeather’s Meteobridge, this weather data is uploaded 12 times per hour to Weather Underground and to Windfinder. These weather conditions and historical data can be accessed free of charge from any computer or mobile device.  Data can also be downloaded from WeatherUnderground for research purposes.  Yellow Creek joins a network of over 250,000 personal weather stations to aggregate information from parks, homes, schools, and businesses across the country and the world.

Donations from FOYC members enable the group to provide services such as this and many other contributions that enhance the park.


weatherstation Davis Weather Station VantagePro2 weather console VantagePro2 weather console meteobridge MeteoBridge KPAPennR2 Wundermap


Live Conditions and Forecast Information via Computer or Smart Phone

Weather Underground Available for: iPhone | Android

  • Wunderground Apps are also available for Android and iPhones.
  • Once you install the app, you will want to find the Yellow Creek State Park weather station. The ID is KPAPENNR2.